Friday, January 05, 2007

Christmas Eve Dinner

Dev and I hosted a dinner for eight close friends on Christmas Eve, and it all started with the idea of roasting a turkey together with a couple from Malaysia Adrian and Jessie. Adrian and Jessie celebrate Christmas, but Dev and I don't, and because Adrian and Jessie suggested having roast turkey, Dev and I went all out to get everything we needed for a wonderful and memorable Christmas Eve dinner.

Jessie was exhausted from the flight from Malaysia to Dubai that morning so she missed dinner that evening, and Adrian came over with our friend Nurul. We had Deep and his girlfriend Svenja, our neighbours Kurt and Ian, as well as Malaysian cabin-crew-in-training, now with Etihad, Shoba and Rowina.

Thanks to online recipes, our very first Christmas Eve dinner was a success! Check out our roast turkey and baked stuffing!

Menu for the Evening:
Roast turkey, baked stuffing, baked corn on the cob, grilled garlic bread, fried spring rolls and sarmosas, and potato salad and "bubur kacang hijau" (Malaysian dessert - green peas boiled with coconut milk and sugar) made by Shoba, not forgetting my version of the Virgin Sangria!

Ian, Kurt and I enjoyed our non-alcoholic drinks. Both the guys had to work the next morning, so the Sangria was the only drink they could have. Hehe!

Dev landing a helping hand in basting the almost-done turkey

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