Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Two more weeks!

Back aches. Sleepless nights due to frequent trips to the bathroom. Anxiety. Excitement. This will last for two more weeks. My little one will be arriving soon, real soon!

25 May is the due date. Soon-to-be daddy will be home for three weeks, hopefully in time to witness the birth of our baby. Dev has agreed to be in the delivery room with me, so that's a little comforting for now. I think I will still be able to handle the whole thing on my own if baby were to arrive early. We are hoping for a normal delivery, with no complications, the least pain and the shortest labour time.

We will keep you posted the moment we get home from the hospital with our new addition. Do check our blog for pictures! Daddy has already got himself a new Nikon camera, so expect lots of pictures ;)